We uncovered specific pathways that advance nature-based solutions and address challenges as diverse as climate change, biodiversity, social inclusion, and economic regeneration. Each pathway is made up of stepping stones, which are summarised in a set of 20 briefing cards. The stepping stones highlight actions in the realms of either policy, finance, or urban development, as well as real-world examples collected during research in the UK, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Hungary, and at EU level. Policymakers and others interested in pursuing nature-based solutions may select a pathway that aligns with their particular context, and use the designated stepping stones to learn about key actions that will advance that pathway.
Advanced Valuation Models
Align with Strategic Priorities
Build Co-Financing Arrangements
Create Intermediaries
Develop Markets
Engage Insurance Section
Establish Demonstration Projects
Facilitate Community-Based Action
Generate Partnerships
Grow Practitioner Expertise
Improve Data and Monitoring
Include in Contractual Agreements
Incorporate in Green Investment Products
Promote Certification Schemes
Provide a Public Mandate
Provide Economic Incentives
Regulate for No Net Loss
Simulate Investment
Target Areas of Low Land Value
Work with Investment Cycles