NATURVATION displays key governance and business insights at conference in Stockholm

The "Let the City Green!" conference in Stockholm on 5-6 December 2019 provided an opportunity for the NATURVATION project to display key governance and business insights for nature-based solutions. The tri-banners are part of the exhbition being developed on nature-based solutions to take place in six cities in Europe in 2020.

In terms of governance strategies, our work suggests that there is considerable gains to be made from aligning European and national policy agendas to use nature-based solutions to address climate change and the ways in which cities are working with nature for a wider range of sustainability goals. Using a range of governance approaches, cities can generate new partnerships and initiatives to realise urban sustainability through nature-based solutions. Making sure these initiatives can be sustained relies on creating strong roots – core principles such as being inclusive, ensuring social justice, and ongoing recognition of the need for ambitious action are needed to realise their potential.

In terms of business models, our research shows that coordinating the contributions of different actors to realising nature based-solutions is one of the key opportunities, but also challenges of implementing urban nature-based solutions. Our work maps out different models that depict how the integration of nature-based solutions can benefit different people and organisations (including reduction of climate risks, improving health and quality of life, and use of urban public space). Models range from the green densification model, which integrates nature-based solutions into urban real estate development to the education model, where urban nature-based solutions are set up and managed in support of environmental education.